車用線束含膠熱縮套管 操作溫度範圍 Operating temperature range 操作溫度 : -55˚C~130˚C 最低收縮溫度 : 110˚C 最低完全收縮溫度 : 135˚C High shrink ratio semirigid polyolefin tubing HST-AU 特性 Characteristics 4:1 高倍收縮 優異的完全密封防水性能 半硬耐磨阻燃材質 Operating temperature : -55℃ ~ 130℃ Minimum shrink temperature : 110℃ Minimum fully recovery temperature : 135℃ High shrink ratio 4:1 Absolutely seal and water proof Semi-rigid flame retardant and abrasion resistance. 應用 Applications AIS-ES汽車線束防水熱縮套管,專為汽車工業電子元件、線束絕緣保護及防水所設計,有較高的4:1收縮比配合耐高溫的聚醯胺熱熔膠(Polyamide), 能對水分做充分阻隔保護線束必免受腐蝕及受潮,外壁為半硬耐磨材質聚烯烴,對於汽車嚴格的環境提供充分的保護。 顏色 Color 技術性能 Technical Data 標準顏色: 黑 擴張強度 Tensile strength 特性 Property 測試方法 Test Method 結果 Typical Value Specifically designed to insulate, seal and protect wire splices, terminations and components in automotive industrial. High shrink ratio 4:1 and high temperature resistant Polymaide adhesive liner can be against water, moisture and corrosion. Sem-rigid outer wall provides excellent abrasion protection and strain relief for strict environment requirement. Standard color :black 斷裂伸長率 Elongation at break 阻燃性 Flammability 銅腐蝕性 Copper corrosion(158℃, 168hrs.) 體積電阻率 Volume resistance ASTM D 2671 ASTM D 2671 SAE-AMS-DTL-23053/5 UL224 ASTM D 876 縱向收縮率 Longitudinal shrinkage UL224 老化斷裂伸長率 Elongation at break after ASTM D 2671 aging 158℃,168 hrs. 10.4MPa (min.) 軟化溫度 Softening point 熱熔膠 Thermoplastic Adhesive ASTM D E28 105℃ 200% (min.) 0 to -10% 冷彎曲 Cold bend(-40℃, 1hrs.) ASTM D 2671 絕緣耐壓 Dielectric voltage withstand and breakdown 2500V, 60sec, ASTM D 2671 No cracking 熱衝擊 Heat shock(250℃, 4hrs.) ASTM D 2671 No cracking, no dropping No breakdown Self extinguish in 30 sec. Pass 吸水率Water absorption ASTM D 570 < 0.5% 老化擴張強度 Tensile strength after ASTM D 2671 aging 158℃,168 hrs. Remains 70% 100% (min.) 10 Ω cm (min.) 14 Adhesive-Lined Polyolefin Tubing - 10 -